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Szkolenie DevOps_SREP_EN_Z

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Practitioner® in English


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Opis szkolenia

Course description:

3-day The Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Practitioner training course introduces ways to scale services economically and reliably in an organization. It explores strategies to improve agility, cross-functional collaboration, and transparency of health of services towards building resiliency by design, automation and closed loop remediations.

The course aims to equip participants with the practices, methods, and tools to engage people across the organization involved in reliability using real-life scenarios and case stories. Upon completion of the course, participants will have tangible takeaways to leverage when back in the office such as implementing SRE models that fit their organizational context, building advanced observability in distributed systems, building resiliency by design and effective incident responses using SRE practices.


Benefits for Organizations

  • Implementing SRE and DevOps in the right way leading to higher Business Value
  • Enhanced stability and reliability of services
  • Major improvement of the product in the development, deployment and operations lifecycle
  • Increased balance between technical investment in reliability and customer experience
  • Homogenous culture and greater synchronization between product, development and operational teams
  • Improvements in staff morale and retention


Benefits for Individuals

  • Higher understanding of practical implementation of SRE culture
  • Designing services for higher security and reliability
  • Building fault-tolerant distributed ecosystems that can be tested for risks of disaster
  • Building observability and intelligence in operations
  • Broader skills-based capabilities that leverage the latest in automation
  • Higher understanding of other roles and contributing towards creating a better workplace culture


Target audience

  • Anyone focused on large-scale service scalability and reliability
  • Anyone interested in modern IT leadership
  • The following IT roles: Business Managers, Business Stakeholders, Change Agents, Consultants, DevOps Practitioners, IT Directors, IT Managers, IT Team Leaders, Product Owners, Scrum Masters, Software Engineers, Site Reliability Engineers, System Integrators, Tool Providers



It is highly recommended that learners attend the SRE Foundation course prior to attending the SRE Practitioner course. An understanding and knowledge of common SRE terminology, concepts, principles, and related work experience are required.

Please note: SRE Foundation certification is a prerequisite to the SRE Practitioner exam.


Course description:

Day 1:

  • SRE Practitioner course introduction
  • Module 1: SRE Anti-patterns (Rebranding Ops or DevOps or Dev as SRE; Users notice an issue before you do; Measuring until my Edge; False positives are worse than no alerts; Configuration management trap for snowflakes; The Dogpile: Mob incident response; Point fixing; Production Readiness Gatekeeper; Fail-Safe really?)
  • Module 2: SLO is a Proxy for Customer Happiness (Define SLIs that meaningfully measure the reliability of a service from a user’s perspective; Defining System boundaries in a distributed ecosystem for defining correct SLIs; Use error budgets to help your team have better discussions and make better data-driven decisions; Overall, Reliability is only as good as the weakest link on your service graph; Error thresholds when 3rd party services are used)
  • Module 3: Building Secure and Reliable Systems (SRE and their role in Building Secure and Reliable systems; Design for Changing Architecture; Fault tolerant Design; Design for Security; Design for Resiliency; Design for Scalability; Design for Performance; Design for Reliability; Ensuring Data Security and Privacy)

Day 2:

  • Module 4: Full-Stack Observability (Modern Apps are Complex & Unpredictable; Slow is the new down; Pillars of Observability; Implementing Synthetic and End user monitoring; Observability driven development; Distributed Tracing; What happens to Monitoring? Instrumenting using Libraries an Agents)
  • Module 5: Platform Engineering and AIOps (Taking a Platform Centric View solves Organizational scalability challenges such as fragmentation, inconsistency, and unpredictability; How do you use AIOps to improve Resiliency? How can DataOps help you in the journey? A simple recipe to implement AIOps; Indicative measurement of AIOps)
  • Module 6: SRE & Incident Response Management (SRE Key Responsibilities towards incident response; DevOps & SRE and ITIL; OODA and SRE Incident Response; Closed Loop Remediation and the Advantages; Swarming – Food for Thought; AI/ML for better incident management)

Day 3:

  • Module 7: Chaos Engineering (Navigating Complexity; Chaos Engineering Defined; Quick Facts about Chaos Engineering; Chaos Monkey Origin Story; Who is adopting Chaos Engineering? Myths of Chaos; Chaos Engineering Experiments; GameDay Exercises; Security Chaos Engineering; Chaos Engineering Resources)
  • Module 8: SRE is the Purest form of DevOps (Key Principles of SRE; SREs help increase Reliability across the product spectrum; Metrics for Success; Selection of Target areas; SRE Execution Model; Culture and Behavioral Skills are key; SRE Case study)
  • SRE Foundation mock exam
  • Exam tips and tricks
  • Course summary


During the training, participants perform practical assignments to facilitate understanding of the topics discussed.

Informacje dodatkowe

Additional information:

In the price of the training, the participant receives

  • A set of accredited SRE Practitioner training materials
  • DevOps dictionary
  • Value added resource: videos, case studies, articles, books
  • Exam specification
  • SRE Practitioner sample exams with answers and rationales

Mandatory addition:

  • Voucher for SRE Practitioner exam.


Training organization

  • Type of training: public or in-house
  • Form of delivery: on-site or remote (instructor-led live online classes)
  • Training language: English
  • Material language: English
  • Group size: up to 14 participants


On-site training organization

  • The workday will run from 9:00am to 5:00pm CET
  • A set of accredited training materials is distributed electronically


Remote training organization

  • Each participant should register for a remote training session between 8:30-8:50am CET
  • The workday will run from 9:00am to 3:30pm CET
  • There will be several breaks during the working day, including a 60-minute lunch break and 10-minute coffee breaks after each hour of training
  • A set of accredited training materials is distributed electronically


Accreditation granted to Asseco Data Systems S.A. (Asseco Academy) by DevOps Institute & PeopleCert.


  • Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Practitioner Exam
    • Mandatory package (training + exam)
    • Exam type: multiple choice test (1 correct answer out of 4);
    • Exam language: English;
    • Number of questions: 40;
    • Duration: 90 minutes;
    • Pass mark: 65% correct answers (26/40);
    • Exam version: Voucher for the online exam implemented in the PeopleCert system; the voucher is sent to the participant’s e-mail address no later than the day after the training;
    • The participant sets the exam date directly in the PeopleCert system after logging in to his/her account;
    • The exam is supervised by PeopleCert; installation of ExamShield software, presentation of a Photo Identification Document (ID), and a camera and microphone on during the exam are required;
    • Prerequisites: none;
    • No 3rd parties are allowed in the room during the exam;
    • Open book exam; During the exam, you may only use the Official Training Manual on a second device, such as a second laptop or tablet;
    • Certification validity: 3 years.

Harmonogram szkoleń


… jeśli cenisz sobie możliwość nauki z trenerem i innymi uczestnikami, z dowolnego miejsca bez konieczności dojazdu.


… jeśli chesz się uczyć, siedząc w jednej sali z trenerem i innymi uczestnikami.


… jeśli chcesz uczyć się z materiałów dostępnych przez interenet w dowolnym miejscu o dowolnym czasie


Szkolenie: DevOps_SREP_EN_Z

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Practitioner® in English

Dodatkowe informacje
06.11 – 08.11
Wirtualna klasa
2 240 zł 2 190 zł netto
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Szkolenie: DevOps_SREP_EN_Z

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Practitioner® in English

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Szkolenie: DevOps_SREP_EN_Z

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Practitioner® in English

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